Jonah Shibuya

From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron

Jonah Shibuya is a character in the Eden Pond Series.


Jonah is a close childhood friend of Eden and Harry Pond.

His grandparents immigrated from Japan to the Tillamook Boy in 1905 at the end of the Russo-Japanese War, bringing with them their two children, a son and a daughter. They bought a small farm on the Miami River northeast of Garibaldi. Because they were Japanese, they were not welcomed by the local dairy community or cheese making organizations, so they grew vegetables and alfalfa. In 1915, Jonah's father married another immigrant from Japan, and Jonah was born in 1917, making him a second-generation or Nisei Japanese-American.

Jonah's aunt returned to Japan to marry in 1920 and did not return to the United States. Jonah had no memory of her, and knew her only from occasional letters and a couple of photos.

After the death of his father in 1936, he took over the farm. At that time, his mother returned to Japan to live with her sister-in-law's family, Jonah's aunt. At the outbreak of World War II, Jonah's mother was living in Hiroshima.

Jonah learned of Oregon Governor Sprague's order for all "enemy aliens" to register with the federal government in late January 1942. A few days later, he met with Merton in Garibaldi, at which time he offered to sell the farm to Merton for one dollar and the promise to look after his land and animals if he was taken away. The two completed the transaction without Eden's knowledge, though later Merton admitted that he'd agreed to "look after the farm" for Jonah. Jonah then went into hiding, not telling anyone where he was.

Vital Statistics

Date of Birth: 9 May 1917
Date of Death: —
