Murder at the Shipyard

From BCMystery Wiki: The Work of W.H. Cameron / Bill Cameron
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Murder at the Shipyard (working title) is the second conceived book in the Eden Pond Series.


In the wake of the explosive events surrounding her brother Harry's murder, Eden Pond feels she needs get away from the only home she’s ever known. Though a difficult choice, she moves from the Oregon Coast to Portland, where she goes to work at the Kaiser Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation's shipyard in northwest Portland. All she wants to do is her part is supporting the war against the Germans and the Japanese while earning her own way. Too soon, however, she finds herself caught up in labor and political intrigue, sabotage, and murder.

The events of the novel take place in December 1942 through February 1943. Murder at the Shipyard follows Tillamook Guerrillas and precedes Women's Air Service.

Major Characters

Points of Interest